Marketing Self-Integration

 work with freelancers to help them… freelance.

At first, the idea was to keep the content based on freelancing AFTER 5pm. When the typical day job ends.

I mentor basic strategy (timing and consistency) around content creation to this freelance group (it’s no sales page up, it’s intentionally organic).

After explaining several writing techniques, the one I have seen click almost instantly is the 5 whys.

As per usual, the web is filled with people talking in theory but never giving practical. That’s because it’s a tedious act to interview yourself and for some people uncomfortable.

On a personal level, I don’t like to read the content I write after I write it (a horrible habit at times), this forces me past that mental barrier and I usually feel great about it afterward.

I’ll use the 5 whys to break down one of the pains for my creative studio.

Problem being: How can I get my main designer to be full-time to be more of a true director role.

You can start with any question around the topic. The answers can be whatever comes to mind.

First why:
why isn’t the agency making enough to allow me to be full-time?

Because we need more clients and designers to handle the clients.

Second why:
why do we need more designers and clients?

Designers are the backbone, and the clients are the driving force. We essentially play PO + PM + UX + CX.

Third why:
what do people need those roles you play?

The current process for our clients is to run around Fiverr/Upwork/friend-circle/Indeed and find people to work on their biz. We stop the designer hunting and give you a team who can handle the work and even talent hunting. After that run point on the hired talent to make sure you have time to work on your business.

Fourth why:
Why is Area87 running point a big deal?

We run the point, so you don’t need to. As the operator, we’ll allow you to be more hands-off on the creative/market-strategy side so you can do the things only an operator can do.

Why five:
Why should the operator go hands-off?

They need to go hands-off to move the company forward without them being a limitation/linchpin to the business before it takes off. I’ve worked with countless business owners, and the single thing I see allows them to fail is not going hands-off and delegate.

Problem to be answered: How can I get my main designer to be full-time to be more of a true director role.

tl;dr (sum of all answers)
We allow business owners to go hands-off for design/branding work. This allows Area87 to operate as your dedicated creative and branding team. We take on the role/responsibilities of product owner, project manager, marketing director, designer. You’ll have access to the team 24/7 to ask questions and see progress on the projects we scope. The more operators we can get hands-off, the sooner we can introduce full-time creative directors across all projects.

It’s a rough draft to a bigger problem (a good problem to have!) we’re dealing with and going through these types of exercises is progress towards the problem.

For all problems I have. I do this project casually multiple times to prime my thoughts around the idea, then I sit down and do a legit session and take the answers stick.

PS – how many answers you’ll have if you did this small exercise daily for a year?



